mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week
Write down three to five words about how you’re feeling going into 2025.
mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week
Write down three to five words about how you’re feeling going into 2025.
mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week
Make a homemade greeting card for someone.
(Monday Meditations will resume in January.)
mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week
Close your eyes and focus on the word “love” for five minutes. Every time your attention wanders, bring your awareness back to love.
mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week
Wander around the outside of your home and photograph a beauty in nature who captures your awareness today.
mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week
Meditatively create a simple autumn display that you can place near the entry to your home.
mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week
Choose one of the following prompts and make a gratitude list focused on that word: compassion, faith, Earth.