
Welcome! This is a place to share how we celebrate & deepen our relationship to Nature. Here you will find stories, images, & ideas about wilderness, human nature, & soulfulness. Drawing from the experiences of everyday living, the topics on this blog include: forays into the natural world, the writing life, community service, meditation, creativity, grief & loss, inspiration, & whatever else emerges from these. I invite you on this exploration of the wild within & outside of us: the inner/outer landscape.

Friday, November 1, 2024


I treasure you, Blog Reader. Your attention to these posts warms my heart. Thank you! I always have Earthy-creative things to share with you that I hope will inspire your own journey deeper into compassionate relationship with all beings, including the more-than-humans and your own inner wild places.


For now, I need to take a pause on these word-filled Friday posts. I have other creative and writing projects that must be finished, not least of all my book manuscript that needs my full focus as I make substantive edits. 


In my community efforts with interfaith climate justice work, I have been calling for pauses at events. People are beginning to expect that I will be the person at event planning meetings who calls for us to build moments of reflective silence into these group gatherings. Now it is time to offer my creative work that same moment of contemplative, quiet endeavor. 


On the forthcoming post-less Fridays, feel free to:

·      visit the fourteen years of blog posts archived on this site 

(scroll down the left sidebar to select by date, or do a search on the upper left);

·      check out the many short and long videos on my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmH2LvfKbyw317YkMuiLp8w);

·      go to the website media page for articles, videos, photos, interviews (http://www.tealarborstories.com/pg11.cfm).


But please rest assured that Monday Meditations and Wednesday Image of the Week blog posts will continue (except during the winter holy days when TEALarbor stories’ office will be closed Dec. 11th – Jan. 3rd). 


I look forward to seeing you on Fridays again on the other side of this productive expanse. It is my fervent invocation that you will recognize your own needs for pause, reflection, and soul nourishment as we move toward winter in the northern hemisphere. 


Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday Meditations

mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week

Say “thank you” to a tree or plant who is now shedding its foliage.  

Friday, October 25, 2024


lately, i have fallen again

– it’s cliché i know –

in love, in rapture, in giddy crush, with the:


dark glow of Ebony

on the Saltwater’s surface at Sunset yesterday


Maple whose leaves blazed 

her fiery hues into the cracks of my heart 


Heron who flew low across the Tideline

searching for lunch as i searched for soulfood


many faces of Saltwater – blue, silver, ochre, white, peach

an evershifting spectrum of shimmer


Clouds who are shaped by Autumn

into layers and hues that blanket my being


Kingfisher who rattles and dives

headfirst into the treasure-waters of seafood


Hunter’s Moon whose bright orange upper limb

surprisingly peeked through thick Nimbostratus


Banana Slug who feasted on apricots

Whole and undigested in a pile of Bear scat


Katsura leaves whose cooked-sugar scent

beckons from a distance 


spring green Inchworm undulating up a tree trunk

amid Fall’s golds and reds


Darkness stretching beyond Dawn and before Dusk

the potent call to explore the crevices where Spirit and matter conjoin

an unlikely reunion of Ethereal with material, heart with body, candlelight with poetry, painting with journaling, Quietude with spoken Blessing



Divine Love

Tender Bliss


in love, in rapture, in giddy crush

Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Meditations

mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week

Sit for ten minutes under a tree who’s familiar to you and notice details in the bark and foliage. 

Friday, October 18, 2024


Calm before the storm outside. Everything in the natural world is still, presently. All the humans are in fast-paced hordes, nearly rear-ending each other in their haste to load up cars with provisions and return home to hunker in.


And despite all this, I am thinking, Here’s what is really necessary:


Loving people.

Protecting the vulnerable.

Appreciating the power of nature. (We were in a hugely damaging earthquake just two years ago; I recall how much I had to “muster” my appreciation that day.)

Savoring. Relaxing into what is. Gently declining the offer to drink more than one cup of tea with Worry.


Today, I count my blessings again, proactively, with a kind of faith: 


There are lessons as well as beauty in a storm; may all beings find unconditional peace.



(Excerpt from a blog post in Oct. 2016.)


Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Meditations

mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week

Gather a few fallen twigs, leaves, or cones and tie them in a bundle. Offer this gift to someone who can’t easily get outside.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Of This Earth

Because I am of this Earth,

I am rooted in direct

Tangible expression of it – 


Hands touching the soil, 

Fingers using implements to somehow translate 

Experience of the natural into the symbolism of words

The flow of paint

The etching of pencil

The scattered shards of torn paper. 


Moving in outer landscapes is the way 

To remain in contact 

With who we really are on the inner one. 


We take our pain and sorrows, 

excitement and successes, 





into the present moment of shared passions: 


creativity and earthiness. 


For me, these are inseparable…I cannot have one without the other.  


(Excerpt from post in Oct. 2012) 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday Meditations

mindful practices to nourish you throughout the day and week

Journal about a way in which you’d like to be of service to the world this month.