As I was preparing dinner a few nights ago, my partner
stepped outside with the garbage and said - “It feels like a tropical storm and
it smells reall-y good.”
I joined him on the porch and inhaled deeply. It was a moment of lovely rejuvenation!
Just as I glanced up in the middle of a tension-shedding stretch, my eyes
spotted and followed the resident osprey. During many sunsets, I’ve seen
her tearing at her dinner high up on a particular naked limb she loves in the Douglas fir just across the road.
...And as I followed the flight path of the osprey, she
flew right through a rainbow!
Gentle awareness is what offered the gift of the rainbow
as well as the rain-scent.
I saw her again last evening: Osprey, loosing from her talons bits of
her full-fish meal.
She reminds me to pay attention, to be softly open. She whispers the secret: I will lead you to beauty.
All blog images created & photographed by Jennifer J. Wilhoit unless otherwise noted. Please circulate images with photo credit: "©2016 JenniferJWilhoit/TEALarbor stories. AllRightsReserved."