was pulling out of the Safeway parking lot at the end of day rush hour.
and a bit grumpy (I admit), I made my left turn and proceeded up the road. I
knew I needed a little refreshment; I was thinking that a forbidden food might
be nice…a gooey, warm chocolate chip cookie; an inch of whipped cream atop a
short, half-caff mocha; a hot, greasy eggroll, even. I denied myself, kept
driving away from the stores offering such temptations.
as soon as I made the next right-hand turn, three roads from home, I saw my
wide expanse of sky opened up and I could immediately see a collage of color!
a baker’s dozen of distinct, nameable hues thickly painted the sky: pear gold,
silver, peach, slate gray, bright blue, milk-white, cream, dark ash, baby blue,
lavender, the barest touch of rose…I couldn’t begin to quantify or name the many
shades of paler or darker variations in color made by thicker clouds, thinner
accumulation, sunbeams that illuminated particular areas…
I stopped. Literally. On the side of the road. And I said aloud to nobody in
particular, “Thank you!” as I gazed up at the most unexpected and
ordinary-take-it-for-granted-sight: the firmament above.
A typical-seeming day. A spectacular gift.
All blog images created & photographed by Jennifer J. Wilhoit unless otherwise noted. Please circulate images with photo credit: "©2017 JenniferJWilhoit/TEALarbor stories. AllRightsReserved."