
Welcome! This is a place to share how we celebrate & deepen our relationship to Nature. Here you will find stories, images, & ideas about wilderness, human nature, & soulfulness. Drawing from the experiences of everyday living, the topics on this blog include: forays into the natural world, the writing life, community service, meditation, creativity, grief & loss, inspiration, & whatever else emerges from these. I invite you on this exploration of the wild within & outside of us: the inner/outer landscape.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Full Moon Setting

the early bird out of the house in the still-nighttime darkness texts a photo of the moonlight spreading in ripples across the water

inky black water splashed with golden mercury below the horizon line

yellowed white, like pages in my old journals, the heavenly beacon is partially obscured by hand-painted clouds of a yellowed gray against hardly-perceptible-midnight-blue; these rest above the horizon line

and i, in my jammies, suddenly launch into an idea: take the 35mm camera out there now, to the water’s edge

and i do.

and calm descends, erasing the angst about the too-many tasks for the day

i see, first, the moon through fir trees

next, i hear avian early birds; i remember that i often forget that the winged ones are waiting to welcome the pre-dawn, to praise through song the orbs’ set and rise 

third, i meet the wild lapping of water tongues on the beach and the brisk breeze tousles my bedhead

these are the sounds and sights of bliss, or joy, or peace; i’m not sure which.

and the cost was nothing: the effort of sleepwalking down the road and up the pier, or the eleven minutes of unpeopled stillness; these are bare minimums, unstrenuous, 

easy – really, welcome – in fact 

and after the glory and awe of holding with my eyes and coaxing into my camera these real life visions of Nature nurturing nature, i return to the cozy nest of my home pondering how easy it is to not do this simple thing that brings so much wellbeing, comfort, wholeness, delight, inspiration, insight…

so i recommit and pledge again, again, to step out of the indoor warmth to the gifts of darkness and moonlight, shadow and form, song and rumination, water crests and rocks

(originally posted 3.25.16)

All blog images created & photographed by Jennifer J. Wilhoit unless otherwise noted. Please circulate images with photo credit: "©2018 JenniferJWilhoit/TEALarbor stories. AllRightsReserved."