
Welcome! This is a place to share how we celebrate & deepen our relationship to Nature. Here you will find stories, images, & ideas about wilderness, human nature, & soulfulness. Drawing from the experiences of everyday living, the topics on this blog include: forays into the natural world, the writing life, community service, meditation, creativity, grief & loss, inspiration, & whatever else emerges from these. I invite you on this exploration of the wild within & outside of us: the inner/outer landscape.

Friday, August 26, 2022

What’s Deeper Than…

what’s deeper than…

the skin of soil or vegetation upon which I lay my hands each day for solace, ecstasy, rootedness and simply to remember that I am nature – an inextricably interconnected part of the entire web of life – 

is a rumbling, dynamic, roaring, energetic, living substrate so much more 

powerful than Frail Human  


what’s deeper than…

the daily agitation of neighbors whose decibel tolerance exceeds mine and whose teenage sons aggress against trees with darts, against fences with plastic ammo, and against one another with liberal doses of profanity

            is a community of equals, humans who stand outside in jammies with 

            flashlights at 3:22 AM to be sure their next door neighbors are unharmed by 

            the quake


what’s deeper than…

the broken bed frame, the power outage, the irreparable television screen, the chipped artwork, the thousand tiny pieces of broken ceramic handicrafts each with a personal history over decades

            is the reaching outward to friends who have no water, no chimney, no safe 

            haven and to offer support from the compassionate repository of healing, the 



what’s deeper than…

the childhood anecdotes of cracks in walls, fallen fences, hovering in doorways at home or under desks at school

is the longevity of Story - those threads woven out of life experience, the 

longer term vision of adulthood, faith, and spirituality into a textured fabric of 

vitality, passion, forward movement, and the refusal to wallow in trivialities


what’s deeper than…

the label of “State of Emergency,” disaster relief vans, helicopters, sirens, red Unsafe to Enter tags, yellow barricade tape, temporary shelters

            is the continuity of a place, a culture, a geography, rolling hills on east and 

            west, the sunrises and sunsets, a sliver of moon, and the valley’s breeze


I’ve spent much of this week, while hands and heart do their work of cleaning and outreaching,

in meditation on the capacity of this planet to hold and nurture, to rock and rupture, to grow and feed, to blow-blaze-tremble-flood into oblivion…


I have meditated into unwavering respect for this terra firma, an infinitely deeper and vaster awe than I had a few days ago. 

What’s at depth below the crashing plates of a 6.0 is the steadfastness of a hot viscous asthenosphere: 


my burning piety. rapture. fidelity. zeal 

for Teal Earth.


(Orig. posted just after the big earthquake in 2014 in Napa, California - where we then lived.)

All blog images created & photographed by Jennifer J. Wilhoit unless otherwise noted. Please circulate images with photo credit: 
"© 2022 Jennifer J. Wilhoit/TEALarbor stories. All Rights Reserved."