Despite a very full work and volunteer schedule, inclement weather, and multiple power outages - this first week and a day of #the100dayproject has been enjoyable. I quickly created one little collage daily inspired by photographs I took in various outdoor landscapes. (The photos I took of each collage do not always depict well what the textures and colors actually look like.) I display them below in the sequence in which I created them: top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right. (If I were not intent on displaying them in order, I would choose a different arrangement of the photographed collages based on color, place, or theme.) I’m also including here the actual landscape photographs. The locations include places in which I live or have spent time over the years: Fort Ward and Puget Sound, Bainbridge Island, Washington (Days 1-3); Kimberly, Wisconsin (Day 4); Lahaina, Maui (Day 5); Santa Fe, New Mexico (Day 6); my own back yard (Day 7); and Baja, Mexico (today, Day 8). We’ll see what happens this coming week!