
Welcome! This is a place to share how we celebrate & deepen our relationship to Nature. Here you will find stories, images, & ideas about wilderness, human nature, & soulfulness. Drawing from the experiences of everyday living, the topics on this blog include: forays into the natural world, the writing life, community service, meditation, creativity, grief & loss, inspiration, & whatever else emerges from these. I invite you on this exploration of the wild within & outside of us: the inner/outer landscape.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Joy Scraps

(Orig. posted in March 2021.)


I understand that most of us have found our “stride” in this still-challenging time. 


But there are also moments when additional upsets – fairly ordinary difficulties that are now exacerbated by current conditions – begin to chip away at our resilience. This is especially a time for joy. That we should seek joy when circumstances are grim is not odd, not a dismissal of the gravity of a distressing situation; it is a way of seeking balance. 


We can become attuned to the joy-potential around us, with a simple intention to lift our gaze now and then from the task at hand. I was gifted some unexpected joy scraps this week:


the smiling baby photo of my friend’s adorable grandson

exquisite soul-paintings in my favorite earth-tones

two varied thrushes who toss the soil in search of breakfast

beautiful Celtic-laced tunes at a virtual house concert

my neighbor’s puppy bouncing around the yard

the supportive conversation with one sister

the creative conversation with another sister

four handbell ringers energetically shifting positions as they played dozens of bells

an incredibly gorgeous teal color on a frog’s legs

a breeze that ruffled the thin tops of evergreens

three pungent whiffs of grass that came suddenly to baptize me again in Earth’s goodness

an unexpected kind note and photo of trees from a beautiful stranger in a distant land


and another coyote, not Wily, who came through the yard twice yesterday: prancing, playing, sniffing, and making direct eye contact with me. He did not run away when I said hello to him, nor did he threaten. We were just two beings, neighbors, greeting one another with respect, in beauty, and doing what we naturally do. 


Creativity can be savored (our own or others’).

Kindness can be welcomed.

Nature can be honored. 


… It is these small but utterly joyous moments that sustain, 

that replenish with beauty, 

that erode stress, 

that add much-needed levity, 

that remind us – even in difficult circumstances – that life wants to be embraced and noticed.