lately, i have fallen again
– it’s cliché i know –
in love, in rapture, in giddy crush, with the:
dark glow of Ebony
on the Saltwater’s surface at Sunset yesterday
Maple whose leaves blazed
her fiery hues into the cracks of my heart
Heron who flew low across the Tideline
searching for lunch as i searched for soulfood
many faces of Saltwater – blue, silver, ochre, white, peach
an evershifting spectrum of shimmer
Clouds who are shaped by Autumn
into layers and hues that blanket my being
Kingfisher who rattles and dives
headfirst into the treasure-waters of seafood
Hunter’s Moon whose bright orange upper limb
surprisingly peeked through thick Nimbostratus
Banana Slug who feasted on apricots
Whole and undigested in a pile of Bear scat
Katsura leaves whose cooked-sugar scent
beckons from a distance
spring green Inchworm undulating up a tree trunk
amid Fall’s golds and reds
Darkness stretching beyond Dawn and before Dusk
the potent call to explore the crevices where Spirit and matter conjoin
an unlikely reunion of Ethereal with material, heart with body, candlelight with poetry, painting with journaling, Quietude with spoken Blessing
Divine Love
Tender Bliss
in love, in rapture, in giddy crush