TEALarbor stories’ Monday Musings are quotes, mantras,
reveries, poems, & practices offering simple ways to explore the ecotone of
the inner/outer landscape.
The fall
equinox is nearly here. As many of us return to routines and schedules, we
also have an opportunity to let go of that which no longer serves.
What attitude, task, constraint, problem are you willing to release in order to
better focus on your passionate work? Write down a few of
these items. Just as the fiery leaves naturally and softly are released from
the branch so the tree can live through winter, so too we gently let things
fall away so we are able to thrive.
All blog images created & photographed by Jennifer J. Wilhoit unless otherwise noted. Please circulate images with photo credit: "©2015 JenniferJWilhoit/TEALarbor stories. AllRightsReserved."