A pen.
Walking stick.
Sauté pan or baking dish.
Fabric scissors.
Ballet slippers.
Needles or hook or loom.
Meditation chime.
Plant. Paint. Crochet and knit. Dance. Strum, hum, ring,
sing, pluck, draw a bow. Compose, snap, plant, shape. Cook. Sit still and silent.
Write (…poetry, prose, journals, script, a play, notes, scraps of
relief-giving-spew, wish lists…)! Sew.Quilt. Walk, hike, stroll, run, skip, hop, jump a
rope, cross a bridge. Weave, bake, wander.
Use the fallen stick from the tree to etch a labyrinthine
pattern in the dusty earth of late summer.
Shape the tall dried grasses into a wreath.
Lay the pebbles in patterns.
And create your loving way through the afternoon. Do what
you love with pure bliss and abandon, creating something that the world can
enjoy, relish, cherish, savor, taste like sweet honey on the tongue. Give the
gift of what you love. Use your long weekend to add beauty, hope, joy … to
offer a glass of clean water to a thirsty soul. Make peace.
All blog images created & photographed by Jennifer J. Wilhoit unless otherwise noted. Please circulate images with photo credit: "©2015 JenniferJWilhoit/TEALarbor stories. AllRightsReserved."